bioMérieux has launched the Parvovirus B19 R-gene kit for the detection and quantification of the three parvovirus B19 genotypes. This CE-marked molecular diagnostic test is part of the Argene range of real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) molecular biology tests for monitoring viral infections in immunocompromised patients.
Primary parvovirus B19 infection generally occurs in childhood, in the form of a mild skin rash, and is also responsible for severe infections in immunocompromised or vulnerable patients and pregnant women. The Parvovirus B19 R-gene kit is the only molecular diagnostic solution on the market enabling the detection and quantification of the three parvovirus B19 genotypes with identical sensitivity in whole blood, plasma and serum, as well as allowing qualitative detection in bone marrow and medullary plasma.
The kit can be used on the majority of nucleic acid extraction platforms, including the bioMérieux NucliSENS easyMag system, and is compatible with all the main real-time PCR platforms available for clinical laboratory use.