Ideal for analysis of free or unbound analytes such as free T4, free cortisol, free testosterone, or for protein-ligand binding studies, Harvard apparatus offers patented 96-well DispoEquilibrium Dialyzers that are US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) listed and compliant for in vitro diagnostic protocols.
The 96-well DispoEquilibrium Dialyzers provide a simple and reliable technique to analyse up to 96 equilibrium dialysis chambers simultaneously on disposable dialysis plates. These ready-to-use equilibrium dialysis plates are convenient and cost-effective tools for ligand binding experiments including serum protein binding, protein-drug binding, protein-protein binding and protein-DNA binding assays.
Equilibrium dialysis is the most preferred technique for molecular binding studies as it permits the direct assay of molecular interactions at close to physiological
conditions with minimal effects on equilibrium parameters.