Registration is now open for the British Society for Microbial Technology (BSMT) Microbiology Conference, taking place at the RAF Museum in Hendon, North London, on 15 May.
The conference will host a range of speakers from different fields of microbiology including those in academia, research and clinical practice.
An early bird delegate registration price of £50 is available until 28 April (£70 thereafter), included in which is morning coffee, light refreshments and lunch. A full-time student rate of £30 is also available.
As well as the scientific programme outlined below, the day will also feature a trade exhibition featuring 20 leading microbiology companies.
Laboratory Microbial Diagnostics: Current and Future Practice
- Biomarker-guided antibiotic treatment for patients with sepsis: providing value for patients and services?
Professor Paul Dark, National Deputy Medical Director, NIHR Clinical Research Network, University of Manchester - Novel technologies and the fight against antimicrobial resistance
Professor Hermine Mkrtchyan, Head of Research, University of West London - The Mini-Lab: accessible clinical bacteriology at the district level
Dr Alessandra Natale, MSF Paris - Developing the UK public health rapid support team Rapid Response Mobile Laboratory as a tool for global outbreak response
Dr Daniel Carter, Genomics Specialist, UKHSA Porton Down - Wastewater surveillance for epidemiological surveillance
Dr Alexander Shaw, Imperial College, London - Advances in the diagnosis of invasive/systemic fungal infections
Dr Riina Richardson, Honorary Consultant Mycologist and Senior Clinical Lecturer in Infectious Diseases and Medical Education, Manchester