
Learning from external quality assessment: a case of Hb Knossos

Education is an important aspect of the services provided by UK NEQAS schemes operating across laboratory medicine. Here, Bashori Rahman and Barbara De la Salle provide an example using a rare haemoglobin variant circulated as part of their molecular EQA scheme.

The UK NEQAS Haematology scheme supplies a comprehensive range of external quality assessment (EQA) programmes designed to support the quality assurance needs of participating laboratories. 

The DNA Diagnostics for Haemoglobinopathies (DN) EQA programme supports specialist laboratories that offer molecular haemoglobinopathy testing as part of their diagnostic repertoire. It is designed to performance assess how laboratories identify mutations of the alpha- and beta-globin genes, and the interpretation of the results obtained in the context of the patient’s clinical background and other haematology. 

Assay material is supplied as DNA in Tris-EDTA (TE) buffer and is suitable for all molecular haemoglobinopathy techniques. Each specimen is supplied with clinical case details, gender and ethnic background, and haematology results.

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