BIOHIT HealthCare has relaunched its website. This new look and feel is designed to reflect the company’s vision, mission and values, while making it easier than ever for customers and partners to find the information they need.
Visitors to the site can now quickly navigate to the disease area or products of interest, and there is also a resource section to provide rapid access to brochures, webinars, case studies and blogs.
The launch of the new website coincides with an exciting time for BIOHIT, as the company moves to fulfil its vision of becoming a leading voice in digestive disease diagnosis, to empower healthcare providers and improve the lives of patients. The company’s product portfolio has been created to address previously unmet needs of healthcare professionals working in this field, with the aim of enabling the early diagnosis and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. This range includes:
• GastroPanel – a simple blood test that aids gastric cancer risk stratification
• Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) – for chronic inflammatory diseases
• Peptest – for non-invasive diagnosis of reflux
• GA-map Dysbiosis Test Lx – a straightforward lab-based test for identifying and characterising dysbiosis using faecal samples
• IDK Faecal Bile Acids – a simple colorimetric assay to help diagnose bile acid diarrhoea.
Graham Johnson, managing director of BIOHIT HealthCare UK, said: “We are excited to showcase the fresh new look of our website, and look forward to welcoming many more online guests in the coming weeks and months. This update will make it far easier for our visitors to locate exactly what they need and learn about the crucial work that we do here at BIOHIT.”