The SHOT team will host a free webinar on Wednesday 4 May (1300–1400 BST) on transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO).
TACO continues to be the leading cause of transfusion-related deaths in the UK and TACO reports submitted to SHOT are increasing year on year. In this webinar SHOT pulmonary working expert group members will provide an overview of the TACO cases submitted to SHOT, cover key learning points and recommendations for safer patient care. The presentation will also include some illustrative cases.
This one-hour, free-to-access online event will include:
A 40-minute presentation about TACO including case-based presentations by experts from SHOT
A 20-minute interactive Q&A session.
An excellent opportunity for CPD through reflective practice – with the following learning objectives:
• Become familiar with the diagnosis, management and investigation of TACO
• Differential diagnosis in a transfusion recipient who develops pulmonary complication post-transfusion • Understand the importance of pre-transfusion TACO risk assessment to mitigate risk in vulnerable patients and investigating cases using the SHOT TACO incident investigation tool
This webinar is relevant to all healthcare professionals involved in transfusion – nursing staff, laboratory staff, clinicians, transfusion practitioners, as well as haemovigilance and risk management specialist
A new video about TACO is also available via the SHOT website at
The Zoom link to the live event is contained in the registration email.
You can also contact SHOT directly to register by email ([email protected]).
The event will commence promptly, so please join at least five minutes prior to the start.