It is well known that Mast has a well-established market and reputation for innovative antimicrobial resistance detection products.
Mast’s methods of manufacturing matched pairs of combination discs jointly, ensures optimised combinations for increased sensitivity and specificity for the detection of resistance mechanisms. Reliable identification helps to guide appropriate antibiotic usage, conserving specific groups of antibiotics for more serious infections (eg carbapenems). Mast is committed to providing effective laboratory solutions to aid the continuing fight against AMR.
Mast is the exclusive supplier to the UKHSA for AST discs. It is less well known is that Mast is the exclusive supplier for FIT testing for the National Bowel Cancer Screening Programme in England, along with supporting many trusts with the company’s FIT and FITPAC solutions for asymptomatic screening programmes. Visit the team in Hall 4 on Stands 921 and 926.