Pro-Lab Diagnostics was one of the first companies to obtain CE/IVD certification for the SARS-CoV-2 kit in March 2020
It released the first true multiplex for the simultaneous detection of SARS-CoV-2, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus in September 2020, and was proactive in releasing in silico analysis of the all variants as they emerged. New guidance and safety information is now available, which suppliers of diagnostic and screening assays must follow, and Pro-Lab will continue to satisfy these new requirements.
The opportunity for large-scale testing and to drive forward world-leading diagnostics should not be missed, and this will be a focus for Pro-Lab Diagnostics as it expands its Scientific Advisory
Committee to invest in interdisciplinary feedback. Viasure is now recognised as one of the most comprehensive ranges of real-time PCR kits currently available, and includes the recent launch of the V-Lab RT-PCR Cycler and accompanying V-Flex extraction and plate preparation platform.
The partnership between industry, academia and laboratories is vital to meet the healthcare challenges over the next few years. Contact us if you wish to be involved.
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