Why didn’t the tissue stick? This question has been asked time and time again. Failure of tissue samples to adhere to microscope slides is not new and there have been many approaches to solve the problem.
Trajan Scientific and Medical believes the humble slide plays a critical role, and using the right type of slide can make a huge difference in tissue adhesion, section orientation, more efficient laboratory workflows, effective processing for more accurate diagnoses, and improved reporting turnaround times for patients.
The cellular pathology laboratory at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB), near the seaside town of Rhyl in North Wales, had made significant investment in automated workflows in order to standardise procedures to enable an efficient, robust platform that delivers a state-of-the-art service. However, it was still experiencing tissue sections lifting off slides, which resulted in rework, increased reagent costs and wasted personnel time, and longer turnaround times for pathology reports.
Being aware of such challenges, last year Trajan approached BCUHB to survey its pathology service and laboratory workflow, and implemented a solution to address the issues involved