Clean and efficient collection, transport and filtration of parasites can now be made easier using the new Mini-System faecal parasite concentrator from Quest Biomedical. Mini-System’s filter design, incorporating separate coarse and fine filters, provides effective filtration of the homogenised sample, resulting in a cleaner sediment and reduced sample loss. The need to use ethyl acetate or ether is avoided, as fat from the sample is effectively removed by the action of Triton and the double-filter system.
The filtration system is located inside the sample collection tube for single-step sample collection, filtration and sediment recovery. An effective cap and seal design minimises the risk of leakage, while an integral sample collection spoon and beads facilitates easy collection and homogenisation of the sample.
The Mini-System device fits into a standard 15 mL centrifuge bucket for the efficient concentration of parasites in the sedimentation cone, permitting easy pipetting for subsequent microscopy. It is available prefilled with SAF, ECOSAF, MIF, Bailenger or veronal buffer (all 4 mL), or as an empty device.