The risks of crosscontamination during thawing of frozen plasma are well known to transfusion scientists. This can be a particular concern when using traditional wet methods such as water baths, and some of the newer thawing methods introduced have either taken unacceptably long or have run the risk of overheating the plasma, with potentially disastrous consequences.
The Cytotherm incorporates other important safety features, including robust, replaceable plastic bladders that contain the warm water used for heating and to maintain a barrier against cross-contamination; an alarm and cut-out in the eventof a leaking plasma pack; water temperature closely controlled to 37°C (±0.1°C), with alarm and cut-out, which eliminates the possibility of overheating the plasma; and dual independent operation with containment of spillages Robin Gregson, sales and marketing director at Labcold, said: “This unit is proving very popular due to its speed of operation and its in-built safety features”