Millipore has announced the availability of the new BioPak C disposable ultrafiltration cartridge.
CLSI Clinical Laboratory Reagent Water (CLRW type) can degrade quickly when standing in tubing and reservoirs during downtime, increasing bacterial counts and releasing ALP. This can interfere with some biochemical assays, resulting in inconsistent blanks and/or the need for more frequent decontamination and calibration.
When attached to any Millipore AFS or Elix clinical water purification system as a final purification step, the Millipore BioPak C filter will deliver ALP-free water with bacteria levels lower than 10 colony-forming units (cfu)/mL (typically <1 cfu/mL).
The filter allows flow rates up to 3 L/min at 1.5 bar and ensures up to 120 days of continuous operation. The BioPak C cartridge can be installed easily on most current immunoassay and clinical chemistry analysers, providing improved laboratory efficiency and performance with lower overall running costs.
Millipore Tel: + 1-800-548-7853